HOD Job Description According to PAM Document: Teaching, Head of Department

HOD Job Description According to PAM Document: Teaching, Head of Department:

This is for both primary and secondary schools’ HOD duties.

The Personnel Administrative Measures (PAM) document in South Africa is a comprehensive guideline that details the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of various positions within the education sector. In this article, we will explore the job description of a Head of Department (HOD) in a public school, as outlined in the PAM document. The HOD holds a pivotal position in managing educational affairs, ensuring effective teaching, and overseeing departmental functions.


HOD Job Description According to PAM Document

1. Overview and Core Objectives

Job Title: Educator – Public School

Rank: Head of Department (subject, learning area or phase)

Post Level: 2

Aim of the Job:

The primary objective of the HOD is to actively participate in classroom teaching, ensure the efficient functioning of the department, and organize pertinent extra-curricular activities. Through these responsibilities, the HOD is expected to facilitate proper educational development within the subject, learning area, or phase.

Core Duties and Responsibilities:

The duties of an HOD are diverse and depend on the specific needs and approaches of the school. Below are the primary areas of responsibility as outlined in the PAM document:

Teaching and Curriculum Development

i. Teaching:

  • Engage in classroom teaching according to the workload stipulated for the post level and the school’s requirements.
  • Act as a class teacher if necessary.
  • Assess and record students’ progress and achievements.

ii. Extra- & Co-Curricular:

  • Lead a subject, learning area, or phase.
  • Collaborate in developing the department’s policy.
  • Coordinate evaluations, homework, assignments, and other academic activities within the department.
  • Provide guidance on current teaching methods, techniques, assessments, syllabuses, and educational welfare of learners in the department.
  • Control and manage the work of educators and learners within the department, including reports, mark sheets, test and exam papers, and administrative responsibilities.
  • Share responsibilities in organizing and conducting extra- and co-curricular activities.
See also  7 Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in South Africa

Administrative and Personnel Management

iii. Personnel:

  • Advise the Principal regarding the distribution of workload among staff within the department.
  • Engage in school/educator appraisal processes to regularly assess and improve professional practices, teaching, learning, and management.

iv. General/Administrative:

  • Assist with the planning and management of school stock, textbooks, equipment, and budget for the department.
  • Develop and manage subject work schemes.
  • Undertake or assist with non-teaching administrative duties such as acting as secretary to meetings, managing fire drills and first aid, timetabling, handling finances, staff welfare, and managing accidents.
  • Act on behalf of the Principal in her/his absence, if necessary.

v. Communication:

  • Cooperate with colleagues to maintain high teaching standards and foster administrative efficiency within the department and school.
  • Collaborate with educators from other schools for department development and extra-curricular activities.
  • Meet with parents to discuss their children’s progress and behavior.
  • Participate in departmental and professional committees, seminars, and courses.
  • Liaise with Further and Higher Education institutions regarding learner records, performance, and career opportunities.
  • Maintain contact with sporting, social, cultural, and community organizations.
  • Represent the school in communication with the public under the direction of the Principal.

The Head of Department plays a crucial role in not just imparting education but also in shaping the policies, managing resources, and ensuring the overall progress of the department within the school. Being in this position requires a commitment to excellence, efficient management skills, and a passion for education.

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